Monday, December 10, 2018

Foods to avoid during the IVF treatment

It doesn’t matter whether you are trying to conceive with natural means or alternative methods like IVF and other ART treatments; you actually need to take care of yourself in the best manner possible during the process. Moreover, whilst there are a number of food items which needs to be consumed in order to boost your chances to get pregnant like Fresh fruits, food rich in Zinc, Folic acid and so on, there are lot others which needs to be avoided within the same process.

1. Avoid Having Eggs in Raw form
While you are pregnant or going through an IVF treatment, you must stay away from consuming raw eggs as that contains Salmonella virus and that is something which may lead to food poisoning eventually .Therefore, it may put some harmful effects down the line for the pregnant mother and her baby.

2. Foods coming with artificial sweeteners within
It happens sometimes that women who are looking to cut down on weight often seek the help of artificial sweetener to replace their daily sugar consumption. Instead, they can go for healthier alternatives like sucralose based sweetener or natural sugar syrups in place of the same as the artificial sweetener contains saccharin which impacts the overall IVF process in a negative manner.

3. Raw seafood
Consumption of raw Seafood must also be avoided during the IVF treatment as it may lead to certain types of infection to the pregnant women. If we talk about other types of cooked seafood, its consumption would also be kept on a minimal basis as seafood like fish contains lots of mercury which is quite harmful for the women and the child and may lead him or her with certain birth defects in the process.

4. Alcohol
Alcohol often leads to erratic ovulation and its impacts a good number of women during their fertility treatments. Therefore, consumption of alcohol is strictly prohibited during the IVF treatment or even if the lady is pregnant with the natural means.

5. Caffeine
 It’s not just about coffee but also tea and other aerated beverages which must be consumed in minimal levels during pregnancy irrespective of the fact whether it’s through natural means or IVF treatment.

6. Cheese
Although consumption of Dairy is not prohibited during pregnancy and it is generally been recommended due to its nutrition value, there are certain types of cheese which is made from unpasteurized milk, which is advised to be avoided during the pregnancy period.

For More Details Consult to the Best IVF Specialist in Bangkok.

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