Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Egg Donor Play Vital Role in Surrogacy

Infertility can be a mind boggling issue for the couples suffering from it as they have to deal with uncertainties and sadness on a daily basis. On one day, they get hope of coming out of the situation and the next day, everything may seem futile. For couples where the woman is not able to carry a baby safely in her womb, surrogacy comes up as the most feasible option. In surrogacy, another woman is engaged for carrying the baby in her womb. The embryo is cultivated in the lab using IVF and then implanted in the surrogate for the pregnancy to proceed. The whole process is managed legally and finally after nine months, the most precious moment arrives for the couple, when they can hold their own child. Many couples get the satisfaction that the baby is their own offspring as their sperm and egg have been used for creating the embryo, but this may not be possible in all cases. Some couples might also require an egg donor for the entire process to yield a successful result.

Role of Egg Donor in Surrogacy in Bangkok

Egg donors play a key role in fertility treatment, particularly where the intended mother is not producing eggs at all or the eggs are not viable enough for a successful pregnancy to take place. In some cases, the embryo made with donor eggs is implanted in the woman with IVF. Women who can neither produce healthy eggs not carry a baby will require the services of an egg donor as well as a surrogate. This is why the role of the egg donor becomes all the more crucial as a family cannot start without a donor. Similarly, gay couples who want to bless with the joy of parenthood can also get it with the help of an egg donor and surrogate mother in Bangkok. In this way, egg donation is a noble task, as it enables childless couples get the gift of a child, which everyone truly deserves.

How to find an egg donor?

Finding an egg donor is a remarkable journey as it binds you to a person for a lifetime and you share a part of your life with her. You can start by getting in touch with an agency which offers a diverse database of egg donors, and you can have a look at the database free of cost. It is importance to learn whether the data base is updated on a regular basis or not. Also, the data base should have plenty of donors for the prospective parents to make a choice of the right donor to meet their requirements. The donors are of a young age, between 18 and 29 and have to go through comprehensive screening to check for any diseases or conditions. Besides getting a moral satisfaction, they can also earn good money by donating their healthy eggs.

In a nutshell, an caucasian egg donor plays a vital role in the IVF and surrogacy process, with several such couples who cannot have a baby without the help of an egg donor.  

Why the age factor is not that important in finding the right surrogate mother?

When we talk about the fertility aspect of the women, it’s often been quoted that the same stays at peak at the age of 20 and start diminishing in the 30s eventually. But not many people have thought about the facts that this aspect is more about the availability and quantity of the eggs and not her ability to conceive. Therefore, if we talk about the capacity and ability of women to carry a child in their womb, there is no such age limit that has been put by the medical experts.

If we talk about the medical facts, a woman is capable of giving a birth of a baby until she hits the menopause which generally happens at an age of 48-55 years and there are many examples of women giving birth to child during their 50s.

Age factor and IVF treatment
Although most of the IVF doctors accept cases with females aged up to 45 years, you will get the same option with added terms and conditions at the agencies dealing in the same aspect. Moreover, it’s mostly about the female’s response to her endometrial stimulation and not her age which concludes her ability to conceive. This stimulation generally thickens the lining of the uterus make it get ready for the embryo transplant process eventually. Moreover, it's been quoted by most of the IVF that, thicker the lining, better the chances of getting the embryos transplant in women’s uterus.
Still when it comes to women with poor fertility, this possibility generally becomes very rare and we cannot bring the age factor in that specific case scenario.

How age impacts the probability of getting pregnant?
Advanced medical studies have confirmed that body’s ability to get pregnant gradually decreases after the age of 45 and that’s the reason most of the intended parents opt for surrogate mothers which are younger and carries grater capabilities to conceive. While it’s not a given that older women can’t get pregnant and it's all about how their body respond to the stimulation protocol. Moreover, it’s all about keeping the body in right shape and condition while dealing with a renowned medical specialist for your specific case. There are fertility treatments and medicines which can very much balance the age factor and its implications on the pregnancy chances of the surrogate mother.

Therefore, we can ascertain that it's not just about the age factor but the right person with the right health capabilities which would increase your chances of bringing a child on board with the help of a surrogate. Come to the right surrogacy agency in Bangkok for fertility treatment.

Monday, February 4, 2019

How to plan your surrogacy journey being an Intended parent?

Planning out your family with the help of surrogacy is quite daunting task and the intended parents needs to go through lot of dilemma and anxiety in order to get the right planning and know how about the same process before taking any decision about the same. Although the financial aspects are one of the biggest concerns, there are many other steps which you must be aware about before going ahead with your surrogacy journey.

1. First contact with the Surrogacy and IVF consultant
The first and foremost thing which you needs to do is consulting with one of the best IVF and surrogacy centers nearby your place in order to lay down the guidelines and steps of your surrogacy journey .Not only this would help you in the course of the whole surrogacy process, the medical consultant will assist in making you aware about all the key aspects in terms of the financial, legal, medical and general aspects about the whole surrogacy process.

2. Getting through with the required agreements
Once you have made up your mind in accordance to all the requisites of a surrogacy arrangement, the next step comes as signing of the contract between you and the surrogacy agency. Although there are cases where the intended parents take care of all the aspects by them only, getting onboard with an agency is always recommended in the backdrop of risks and other factors involved whilst planning out Surrogacy process individually.

3. Screening and selection process
Once the agreement is signed between the intended parents and the surrogacy agency, its time now to match and careen the intended parents with the egg donors (if required) and the various surrogate mother profiles available with them. The surrogates will first get matched according to the needs and preferences of the intended parents and once finalized; they will now go through various health and psychological screening process.

4. Putting down the legal agreements
Once the selection process is through and the surrogate mother has been finalized by the intended parents, the legal agreement and the compensation plan for the surrogate mother then gets finalized. This would be done in the presence of a legal attorney from both the sides in order to safeguard the interest of their respective clients during the whole surrogacy process.

5. Birth of the child
The final aspect of this whole journey would be the birth of the child out of surrogacy and the Intended parents taking the baby home and this might include the intended parents filing for the custody of the child via a legal representative. Moreover, if you are looking for the best surrogacyagency in Bangkok

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