Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Why the age factor is not that important in finding the right surrogate mother?

When we talk about the fertility aspect of the women, it’s often been quoted that the same stays at peak at the age of 20 and start diminishing in the 30s eventually. But not many people have thought about the facts that this aspect is more about the availability and quantity of the eggs and not her ability to conceive. Therefore, if we talk about the capacity and ability of women to carry a child in their womb, there is no such age limit that has been put by the medical experts.

If we talk about the medical facts, a woman is capable of giving a birth of a baby until she hits the menopause which generally happens at an age of 48-55 years and there are many examples of women giving birth to child during their 50s.

Age factor and IVF treatment
Although most of the IVF doctors accept cases with females aged up to 45 years, you will get the same option with added terms and conditions at the agencies dealing in the same aspect. Moreover, it’s mostly about the female’s response to her endometrial stimulation and not her age which concludes her ability to conceive. This stimulation generally thickens the lining of the uterus make it get ready for the embryo transplant process eventually. Moreover, it's been quoted by most of the IVF that, thicker the lining, better the chances of getting the embryos transplant in women’s uterus.
Still when it comes to women with poor fertility, this possibility generally becomes very rare and we cannot bring the age factor in that specific case scenario.

How age impacts the probability of getting pregnant?
Advanced medical studies have confirmed that body’s ability to get pregnant gradually decreases after the age of 45 and that’s the reason most of the intended parents opt for surrogate mothers which are younger and carries grater capabilities to conceive. While it’s not a given that older women can’t get pregnant and it's all about how their body respond to the stimulation protocol. Moreover, it’s all about keeping the body in right shape and condition while dealing with a renowned medical specialist for your specific case. There are fertility treatments and medicines which can very much balance the age factor and its implications on the pregnancy chances of the surrogate mother.

Therefore, we can ascertain that it's not just about the age factor but the right person with the right health capabilities which would increase your chances of bringing a child on board with the help of a surrogate. Come to the right surrogacy agency in Bangkok for fertility treatment.

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